Note : Radio amateurs in other countries should consult their local radio amateurs association for the applicable band plan in their respective countries. Modifying comments for this band plan have been removed for clarity.

Tuning HamSphere outside the specs is not prohibited, but please observe the audio limitations.This is a simplified example of a band plan that was in effect in 2005 for a country in Region 1 (Spain). Out of band operation, audio will be distorted by bit quantization noise) Due to the Sphere sampling frequency of 192 kHz the following frequency offsets should be avoided:ĩ0-96 kHz (Some audio sampling artifacts)ĩ6 kHz (Dead lock = Sample rate / 2, will not produce any audio)ĩ6-100 kHz (Out of band operation, audio will be distorted by bit quantization noise)Ġ-1 kHz (Near Local Oscillator Deadlock.

Note! Please be advised that operation from 90 kHz offset and up (such as 50.190) might produce distorted audio. 6.205 – 6.295 Reserved for official use by HamSphere (No QSOs allowed)